Thursday, June 7, 2007

Me,Myself and I

Sorry its been so long but Mom and Dad have been watching me like a hawk and I haven't had time to get on the computer. A lot has changed since last time I posted, one more trip to the doc last week and I guess I'm doing pretty well. I'm now 15 lbs and I'm like 23 1/2 in long, so I guess thats good, what do I know.
I got my ears pierced cause my Daddy wanted me to, it wasen't to bad , so they say but I must say they look good. I have also got to eat some new foods, ice tea,apple sauce and peaches, there all good and I still get the old stand by formula.
I also have some cool new outfits and a cool shirt from Aunt Candy from when she was in D.C. so when you see me take a look.
so thats about all for now, I'll try to post some pic soon.

Love Tess

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